Just a girl who loves her food

Berries and Cream Crêpe Cake

Berries and Cream Crêpe Cake

As I have been learning to cook, it really is about experimenting. Adding a dash of this, a pinch of that to create a delicious result. Throughout the entire process of creating a savoury meal, you can adjust and improve. This allows me to know that when I go to sit down and tuck into my meal, it will be delicious.

Baking on the other hand leaves me a little a lot flustered.

I do all of this prep work and then have to relinquish control to the oven gods. As they do in the Great British Bake Off, I eagerly peer through the tinted glass oven window to see how my dessert is coming along. But that can often make things worse.

“Is it supposed to brown that quickly?” “Shouldn’t it be rising by now?” Worriers do not often make the best bakers. I take my dessert out of the oven and take a bite only to think, ” but the batter tasted a million times better than this, what happened??!”.

Alas. This is why after a few months I still have not had the courage to post a dessert recipe. The little menu option on my blog was merely a teaser for you and a motivator for myself.

Scrolling through my Instagram, I have come across quite a few crepe cakes. They are definitely trying to take over the macaroon craze. The elegant layers piled high screams perfection. But then the thought hit me, there is no actual baking required. THIS IS PERFECT.

The components of a crepe cake are relatively simple, the time comes from the assembly. And of course the patience of making about 15 crepes. But trust me you will get into a groove. Put on some tunes and get flipping. You will impress yourself how easy crepes are to master.

After the 15th layer, and a few edible decorations on top, this dessert looked beyond yummy. It actually looked impressive. My dessert drought had finally come to an end! Now just to find more desserts that don’t actually requiring baking…stay tuned.

So if you are baking inept like myself, you should really try this one out. It is easy, simple and genuinely fun to make. No praying to the oven-gods for this one, okay maybe to the crepe-flipping-gods instead.


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April 2, 2017
: 8
: 1 hr


  • 2 cups (300g) all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 6 eggs
  • 650mL skim milk
  • 1/3 cup canola oil
  • 400mL cream, divided into two mixing bowls
  • 2 tbsp powdered sugar
  • 100g chocolate
  • 1/3 cup (75mL) cream
  • 1 1/2 cups of strawberries, thinly sliced
  • 1 cup of frozen blueberries, thawed
  • Step 1 1. Make the crepe batter: sift flour into large mixing bowl, add salt and sugar. Create a well in the dry ingredients and pour all 6 eggs into the centre. Whisk in the eggs until combined. Slowly pour in milk, while continuously stirring the batter. Once all milk is added, you are ready to make your crepes! (Your batter should be fairly thin but still have a bit of weight to it)
  • Step 2 2. Put the canola oil in a small bowl and have ready by the stove. Use a small to medium sized saucepan (non stick!) and turn it on medium heat. With a pastry or marinade style brush, coat the pan with a thin layer of oil. Ladle the batter into the pan, before placing it back on the heat rotate the pan in circles so the batter can make it all the way around. Once the batter stops moving, put back on the heat.
  • Step 3 Cook for 1-2 minutes, flip and cook again for another minute. Take off the heat and place on a flat surface to cool. Repeat this process until batter is all used, about 12-15 crepes.
  • Step 4 Now its time to make the chocolate ganache for the top. Place chocolate in a small bowl. Lightly boil 1/3 cup of cream in a saucepan on the stove. Pour the cream over the chocolate and let it sit, no need to stir at this time. Once it is cooled, stir until combined.
  • Step 5 While the crepes are cooling and ganache is sitting, work on the creams.
  • Step 6 The first is the plain cream: in one of the bowls with 200mL of the cream add 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar. Whip with a mixer until light and fluffy, set aside.
  • Step 7 The second is the blueberry cream: In the second bowl of 200mL cream, whip until light and fluffy. Place half of the thawed blueberries in a small bowl and crush with a fork. Fold the pressed juice and some of the skins into the cream. Set aside.
  • Step 8 Once the crepes are cooled, it is time to assemble. How you want to alternate your layers is completely up to you!
  • Step 9 Take your first crepe and place on a flat surface. Top with a thin layer of plain cream and strawberries. Add another crepe and spread the blueberry cream. Add another crepe, spread plain cream and a few un-crushed blueberries. Add another crepe and spread the blueberry cream. Repeat this process alternating creams and fruit.
  • Step 10 If your crepes’ edges turn out a little wonky, you can trim your finished cake with scissors.
  • Step 11 On the last crepe, spread the ganache and decorate with whole strawberries and blueberries.

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